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Below you find some frequently asked questions. Should you have any other type of question you can contact us

When will the products be delivered?
The products will be delivered in 5 drops. Each drop has a fixed release date.
By placing an order you agree to comply to these fixed release dates.
If we notice that goods are released earlier than the release date we will need to close your account immediately.

Will there be additional shipping costs?
Yes, depending on your location we will add shipping costs.

What’s the margin for me as a retailer?
We calculate our prices with a 2.0 margin for our retailers.
We advise all our retailers to use this margin and use our recommended retail prices. 

What payment terms do you handle?
All drops are paid prior to the release. We prefer payment by bank transfer.

When does the preorder period end?
Deadline for this pre-order period is JULY 8 - 2024


Orders that have been placed can not be cancelled unless the shipment
is excessively delayed. If this is the case we will do our best to cancel the order if requested.

* If you are for any reason unable to take an order as pre-ordered we have to charge a cancelation fee. The fee is 25% of the order amount.

** Should your payment remain unsettled by the end of the aforementioned term, we will be obliged to definitively delegate this claim and take legal steps.



for spring summer season products can not go on sale until June
for autumn winter season products can not go on sale until December

No higher discounts then 35%

No SALE ads or other SALE publications with our products or brand imagery

requests deviating from the above need to be proposed and approved by us in advance
not committing to these policies may lead to the closure of your account 
by Parra reserves the right to deviate from the above

by placing a pre order on this portal you agree with all of the above